Sunday, 16 February 2014

Otmoor 16th February




3 Stonechats, 1 Male and 2 Females were seen today on the fence that runs along the path that goes past the main hide towards Noke.

 Brown Hare

 Brown Hare

 Brown Hare

 Brown Hare

 Brown Hare

 Brown Hare
At least 5 Brown Hares were seen today trapped in Big Otmoor field on the last few remaining areas of grassland available.Surely there must be a way the RSPB could make spaces in the fencing big enough for Hares to get through but small enough to stop Foxes?

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Red Flanked Bluetail, Marshfield, 9th Feb

 Red Flanked Bluetail

 Red Flanked Bluetail

 Red Flanked Bluetail

 Red Flanked Bluetail

 Red Flanked Bluetail

 Red Flanked Bluetail

 Red Flanked Bluetail
Me and Julie arrived on site about 12pm and the bird was showing quite well perched in the middle of a Hawthorn bush. Other birders present had placed some mealworms onto a small grassy mound. After a short while the bird started moving around in the bush and then flew down onto the mound where the mealworms had been placed, grabbed a few and flew back into the bush. The bird done this quite a few times while we were there but it was only on the mound for a few seconds at a time so you had to be quick to get any pics!
2 Raven's were flying over calling.