72 lifer's were seen but there were probably at least 10 species that got away, unidentified due to either being fly overs while in the car or to far away without my scope at that point.
Welcome Swallow |
Bush Stone Curlew |
Magpie Lark |
Australian Magpie |
Crested Tern |
Female Scarlet Robin |
Australian Pelican |
Black Shouldered Kite |
Galah |
Grey Teal |
Pied Cormorant |
Singing Honeyeater |
Buff Banded Rail |
Brown Honeyeater |
Caspian Tern |
Little Corella |
New Holland Honeyeater |
Rainbow Lorikeet |
Silver Gull |
White Cheeked Honeyeater |
Willie Wagtail |
White Cheeked Honeyeater |
Western Gerygone |
Silvereye |
Crested Pigeon |
Grey Butcherbird |
Kookaburra |
Red Wattlebird |
Male Scarlet Robin |
Kangaroos |
Quokka |
Elizabeth quay from Kings Park |
Perth from Kings park |
Australian Raven
Australian Magpie
Red wattlebird
Spotted Dove
New Holland Honeyeater
Brown Honeyeater
Magpie Lark
Rainbow Lorikeet
White Cheeked Honeyeater
Grey Fantail
Pacific Black Duck
Spotted Pardalote
Welcome Swallow
Silver Gull
Little Black Cormorant
Little Pied Cormorant
Pied Cormorant
Australian Pelican
Crested Tern
Willie Wagtail
Little Corella
Laughing Dove
Collard Sparrowhawk
Australian White Ibis
Grey Butcherbird
Australian Wood Duck
Australasian Grebe
Singing Honeyeater
Red Tailed Black Cockatoo
Striated Pardalote
Black Swan
Grey Teal
Musk Duck
Purple Swamphen
Dusky Moorhen
White Faced Heron
Nankeen Night heron
Crested Pigeon
Bush Stone Curlew
Common Bronzewing
Scarlet Robin
Splendid Fairy wren
Australian Ringneck
Black Shouldered Kite
Straw Necked Ibis
Yellow Rumped Thornbill
Inland Thornbill
Tree Martin
Pink Eared duck
Hoary Headed Grebe
Australian Shelduck
Blue Billed Duck
Brown Falcon
Australasian Shoveler
Whistling Kite
Red Capped Robin
Caspian Tern
Australian Pied Oystercatcher
Banded Lapwing
Western Gerygone
White Fronted Chat
Nankeen Kestrel
Banded Rail
Wedge Tailed Eagle
Carnaby's Black Cockatoo
Little Eagle
Rufous Whistler
Great White Egret
Glossy Ibis
Great Crested Grebe
Little Egret
Black winged stilt